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[Essay] The Gods of Logic
Before and after artificial intelligence
July 2024
Current Issue July 2024
[Essay] Metal Machine Music
Can AI think creatively? Can we?
[Letter from Cologne] The Dead Admonish
Facing the ghosts of resistance and exile

July 2, 2024

The Supreme Court decreed that former presidents are entitled to a degree of immunity from prosecution. Read More

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In the stacks: on the tristate collectors of yesterday’s future
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Harper’s Finest

[Article] from the March 1981 Issue
Rising to Rebellion

T.D. Allman, who died last month, reported on the U.S.-led repression of the guerilla insurgency in El Salvador in 1981, when America’s support for that country’s military dictatorship was at its height. “However diligently one searched for significance,” he wrote, “one found only terrorized, hapless people — abused, barefoot women with no food or medicine for their malnourished children; landless, jobless, illiterate men and boys fleeing for their lives from the ‘security forces’ of their own national government; mutilated bodies beside the road.”

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